Explore Your Profile

A guide to your member profile

It is good to be familiar with your member profile. On Packaged Food Reviews your member profile is a home for everything that relates directly to you. When you create an account you may only use the minimum amount of information required to set up an account. You are not required to add anything further to your member profile to be able to interact. However, you still may want to explore your member profile. Your member profile is a center for all of your settings and preferences that relate to this website. Below are the basics of your member profile.

This guide contains images to help clarify each of the steps below. You can click on any of the images to view a larger image in a new tab when you want a larger view.

Access your profile from the main menu…

Below and on the left on desktop and at the top on mobile devices is a screenshot displaying where the ‘My Profile’ option is on the drop-down menu.

The second image which is on the right on desktop devices and at the next one down on mobile devices is an example of how a profile page looks.

See the images below. You can click any of the images on this pageĀ  for a larger view in another tab

Access Your Profile Menu:

The most important part of your profile to be familiar with is the main menu. The main menu gives you access to account settings and preferences. At the top right corner of your profile you will see your current avatar which is a circle which will contain a letter that symbolizes your user name or another photo if you have customized it. To the right of your avatar is the first part of your display name. To the right of that is a tiny little arrow pointing down that looks like a v. Click on that down arrow to access the ‘main menu’ of your profile.

See the image below demonstrating the menu of your profile.

Access Your Preferences:

There are some useful links in the menu from your profile. Exploring the different options will help familiarize you with how our website works. The main option we’re going to talk about here is the ‘Preferences’ option. You will see it highlighted in the image above. Clicking on the ‘Preferences’ section from the menu will give you access to important settings in your profile.

The image below displays your ‘Preferences’ from your profile.

As you can see in the above photo there’s a few basic options relating directly to your profile. The photo above displays how the preferences section looks. You will also see that there are more menu options displaying in your profile from this screen. This guide is designed to help you navigate through and explore your profile so you can configure it best for you. If you post reviews or interact with our online community you may find your profile as a starting page on our website. Take a look at the settings on each of the screens and make sure they are set to your liking.

Access Your Account Settings:

The image below displays the ‘Account’ settings part of your profile.

The ‘account’ section of your profile as displayed in the image above is where you find your main account information. This section is where you can update your ‘user name’,Ā  your ‘email address’, and change your ‘password’. Most of the time you are likely to keep everything the way it is unless you end up changing email addresses. Updating your password to something new every once in a while is a good practice for all of your internet accounts for security. Your email address is Very important because that is how you login to your account. Your email address is Not displayed publicly which helps out to website security for you and us. For security you must re-enter your current password to make changes to your account. There is also an option to delete your account. You are welcome to be a member even if you are not participating in any activities or haven’t visited our site in a while. Please reconsider before making the decision to delete your account. At the bottom of this page you will see an option to ‘Export my Community data’. You can do that any time you like without affecting your profile. That button gives you the option to export all of your community activities on our site.

Customizing About Me:

Below is an image displaying an example of the ‘about me’ section of your member profile.

The image above displays an example of a member profile with some of the fields filled out and settings are configured. You will see basic information to fill out and options to choose from. In order to make any changes you must click the ‘edit’ button on the right of the setting you would like to change. When editing each option there is also a privacy setting for each field. The options to choose from are ‘public’ meaning everyone online, a ‘friends only’ meaning only members in your friends list, ‘site members’ meaning all members of Packaged Food Reviews, and ‘only me’ meaning only you and nobody else at all. The image in the example above displays some options showing as ‘public’ and one showing as ‘friends only’. First and last names are currently unavailable to be changed from the public setting. You can choose how you would to appear by your activities. You can choose from different combinations of your first and last name or your username. The default setting is your ‘username’ which is the name chosen when creating your account.Ā  The setting can be found under the ‘Preferences’ section of your profile at the very top where it says ‘display my name as’. If you are an avid social media user you may want to customize the ‘about me’ section of your profile and then choose who you want to be able to see it. If you have your own website and would like people to know about it here, feel free to share it in your profile as well. You can always change your settings any time.

Choosing your Notifications:

The last part we’ll go over with you here is your ‘notification settings’. The photo below is an example of a member profile with notifications settings chosen.

In the above image you can see that the ‘Notifications’ tab is selected just below the word ‘friends’.Ā  There is 4 options that look like tabs for bulk actions. Those options allow you to ‘enable all’, ‘disable all’, ‘disable emails’, and ‘reset to defaults’. You can use those options if you like, but it may be more beneficial to choose individual options. The example photo shows that all notification options are selected. Your account may default to those settings, but if you feel that you have more notifications than you want, you can customize those settings here. Above the boxes there is a ‘bell symbol’ and an ‘envelope symbol’. The bell refers to notifications while you are logged in and on our website. You may receive a ‘ding’ sound or notice a ‘highlighted number’ at the top corner of your profile when there is an update. The ‘envelope’ symbol refers to receiving updates by email. So you will see on the left of the profile page what each notification setting is for. Read what it says on the left and check or uncheck boxes on the right to choose when and how you may want ‘notifications’.