Why Read Mr. Boyd’s Reviews?

Mr Boyd

Jeremy Boyd

So you’re wondering why you would give any credit to any of my reviews? Why does it matter what I have to say? Do I know what I’m talking about? I’ll try to encourage that here. After you read this, please read some of my reviews and see what you think. One thing that really defines who I am is that I am a Man of Quality. It doesn’t really matter what it is, I’m always looking for something that is well made,  that stands out, and has just plain Set the Bar. Even though I mean everything and not just food products, this site I will emphasize quality of food. When I go grocery shopping, I’m a label reader. I look for products with Natural ingredients that can produce outstanding flavors without the need for scientific enhancements. My childhood leading up to now was a contributing factor in my tastes. I am grateful I had the chance to be raised by my grandparents. My grandma was a stay-at-home mother who worked very hard. She took care of her family, cooked, cleaned, and Loved to garden! My grandpa helped me become a hard worker. I started learning how to split firewood at the age of six. We had a large family garden and a couple dozen fruit trees. My grandparents taught me how to garden, work hard, and about food. By growing a big garden every year, we spent a lot of time with food that was as fresh as it gets. So that helped lead the way to my tastes in food. We grew lots of crops and canned everything that we couldn’t eat fast enough. Growing up eating the freshest quality ingredients helps you develop a gift for tasting. It was grandma’s home cooking every day. Fresh ingredients year round with recipes without the need for scientific enhancements. So I was fortunate enough to get to eat food from all stages. Starting with straight off the plant, to home canned, all the way to a cooked meal with home grown crops. When you pick produce straight off the plant that you or your family grew, you pay close attention to how it tastes. You want to know that you did the best you could and achieved excellent results. I can say that picking produce at different stages results in different tastes. Corn is one great example. When harvesting it young before it gets to full size is has more of a fresh, crisp texture with a nice sweet taste to it. If it gets too old, it turns gummy and just isn’t good anymore. When grandma would bake desserts, I got to taste the progress along the way. Tasting ingredients individually, in different stages, and as a finished dessert or meal really helps develop a taste for detail. I had lots of practice thanks to my grandma. I’m able to analyze what I eat and detect rather real vanilla extract or artificial was used. I can tell you that there is a night and day difference in organic nutmeg compared to mainstream non-organic nutmeg. The organic has a much more aromatic experience with it.  I can pinpoint specific ingredients used in a recipe without knowing the recipe just from taste alone. So with packaged foods or any foods, I’m looking for quality and can easily taste it thanks to my background. I also like to cook too. I like to experiment with methods and ingredients to get different results. Cooking is  a hobby for me and I’m always trying out new products. I’m all about the experience a product will provide. I usually know right away if it’s worth me writing a review about. I only write reviews on this site about products that are worth purchasing more than once. Only products that I highly recommend are what I write about here. Nobody is paying me to write my reviews, they’re all by personal choice. That’s how you know I’m serious about it. I hope I have said enough to convince you to check out some of my reviews.  Ultimately, you can write your own reviews,  get your own followers, and follow other reviewers which is what this website is all about. Please enjoy my creation!

Packaged Food Reviews