Luna Bars Chocolate Cupcake

Luna Bars Chocolate Cupcake

4.67 Average
3 Reviews

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Not just for women!

It doesn’t really matter if you’re on a gluten free diet or not for these bars. They actually taste pretty good for a nutrition bar. Surprisingly, these bars actually taste a lot like chocolate cupcakes as the name suggests. Nutrition bars don’t always taste that great. Quite often nutrition bars are dense and taste of glue like substance holding them together. These Luna bars are different. There’s actually a softness to them with plenty of chocolatey goodness. The main part of the bars resemble a brownie like texture, but more firm than the average brownie. They’re coated in a chocolate that resembles a firm frosting. These bars are chewy with softness to them as well. Overall, they’re pretty good tasting nutrition bars. Clif Bar & Company created Luna bars for women, but if you’re gluten free, you may of seen these as an option. So these are really for everyone. I have one of these now and then as a Landscaper and they actually help me keep going. There is a small amount of protein in these at 8 grams per bar. That’s a reasonable amount for short term activity or just to help balance out your head between meals. There’s not a quantity of vitamins, but there is some in them. They are NON-GMO at least and are made with organic oats and chocolate. That’s always something to look for in a nutrition bar. There’s plenty of nutrition bars out there, but they can’t all say they are NON-GMO. To sum it up, these can really help you get through your day when you could use a quick bite. So if you want to have something on-hand when you don’t have time for a meal, try these!

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Luna Bars Chocolate Cupcake

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  1. TiredLikeaDinosaur avatar TiredLikeaDinosaur on October 11, 2022 at 9:30 pm

    Woman approved!


    They say these were made for women, but anyone can eat them. As a woman I can say that these are a nice chocolate treat. These are great when I just want a bite of something. They have that chocolate sweetness to them that makes them perfect. I can easily fit one or two in my purse just in case I need them. They are woman approved!

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  2. TheTallMan avatar TheTallMan on October 10, 2022 at 8:38 pm

    The flavor of chocolate cupcake in a cleaner form


    I like a good snack bar, especially if there’s anything beneficial to my health in it. I don’t think these are the healthiest bars out there, but they are pretty good. I have always enjoyed well made chocolate cupcakes. I think a good frosting is what makes the cupcake. These do have quite a resemblance to cupcake flavor, but they aren’t perfect. I still give these 4 stars. The reason I don’t feel that they are 5 star worthy is because they could be more moist. To explain what I mean, think about a cake straight out of the oven. They have that nice moist factor when you cut into them. These bars are a little drier than I would like. What they are using to simulate frosting could be a bit more moist too. I still give them 4 stars though because they are good enough to buy again and again.

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