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Mr Boyd, Founder of Packaged Food Reviews

Why I write Reviews, by Jeremy Boyd

If I was a random person searching the internet and came across this website, something might stand out. At the moment of this post, nearly every product on this site has a 4 or 5 star review. That may seem unusual to someone that just discovered this site, but there is a good reason for it. I want to assure my readers that I am not paid by companies to write reviews about their products. Any reviews that I write on here are about products I highly recommend. If I don’t recommend it, I’m not going to write about  it. Occasionally while writing a food review I may mention a related product that I didn’t like, but no more than that. I write reviews about products that I really want others to try. I believe it’s a good practice to write about what you feel passionate about. I could write about all kinds of products I have been less than happy with, but I would rather stay positive and promote ones others can enjoy. This website is centered around food, but whenever I really like a product, I want others to know about my experience with it if I think they might be able to benefit from it too. The right product for the right person can make all the difference in the world! For example, there’s a landscape rake I found that works best and I showed several of my Landscaping customers. Quite a few of them went out and bought their own. Nobody paid me to promote that rake either, I just like to help people out. This website is all about helping people choose the right foods for their needs. I will keep writing reviews about foods I think everyone should try because I love to promote a high quality product. Now, there’s no way I could ever write enough food reviews to cover such a wide variety of tastes and diets out there, so that’s where members come in. Anyone can join this site for free and write their own reviews about products that aren’t even on this site yet. It’s great to write about what you really like, but you can also write reviews about products you were disappointed with. This website is built as Reviews by Everyone, For Everyone because that’s exactly what it is. As the number of product reviews grow along with the number of people reading and writing them, the more people can make educated decisions when searching for food. This website is here to help Everyone.

Feel free to checkout the rest of this site and see what it has to offer.

If you can see the potential of how useful and helpful this site could be, please feel free to share it with others.

Thanks for reading this.

Mr. Boyd

Packaged Food Reviews


  1. Walter avatar Walter on October 10, 2022 at 8:58 pm

    Great job man! If I can’t find the review I’m looking for, I can write my own! That’s very exciting that we can be the first to write a review. We must share this site as much as possible so it will grow and be more and more useful. Thanks for your service to us Mr. Boyd

  2. TiredLikeaDinosaur avatar TiredLikeaDinosaur on October 10, 2022 at 8:55 pm

    This is the kind of website I was hoping would be available some day. It’s so great you made a food review website that doesn’t require searching all over the internet for each product. I like how we can add products to your site that aren’t here already. Excellent site Mr. Boyd!

  3. AJones avatar AJones on October 10, 2022 at 8:47 pm

    You have done a great job here. I’m sure as more and more people join, it will be more useful. People will probably let us know what foods they are disappointed in too. It would be nice to know which foods weren’t as good as people thought they would be. I have been disappointed before when I thought a product was going to be great and it was terrible. It looks like this site is all about honesty and that’s what makes it great. Thanks Mr. Boyd!

  4. TheTallMan avatar TheTallMan on October 10, 2022 at 8:42 pm

    Thanks for the article. I can see the potential in what your site can offer. I find it useful for sure. I hope more people join and share what they like. That’s great that you don’t do paid reviews. At least you’re honest. Thanks for your creation!

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