Synergy Sacred Life

Synergy Sacred Life

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Kombucha with the Flavor of the Tropics!

GT Dave’s raw kombucha is an excellent choice for a healthy lifestyle and those looking to improve their health. Sacred Life is a great choice for those new to kombucha because of the mellow flavor it offers. Upon your first sip you will notice a taste of the tropics like the light blue color suggests. Products don’t always taste like their color, but this one does. This drink is light and thin like water, but offers a natural effervescence of freshness.  Blue Spirulina is one ingredient that offers flavor from the tropics. Spirulina is known to be a SuperFood that’s packed full of nutrients and known of a wide array of health benefits. More ingredients that bring the tropics to you are kiwi, fresh pressed ginger, and young coconut water. The kiwi and the fresh pressed ginger combined with the spriulina are a perfect blend of paradise. For those looking for a pick-me-up, this is one of the healthier options out there. This brewed with black tea and green tea and contains an undisclosed amount of caffeine. I estimate around 75 mg of caffeine, but that’s only my personal guess and experience with caffeine. For more info on the caffeine content, contact the company. Trace amounts of alcohol may be present dues to the natural fermentation process, but it’s not much if any. I didn’t taste the slightest amount of alcohol, but as the bottle states, those avoiding alcohol for any reason may want to avoid these. The natural fermentation process is what leads to some of the health benefits including Probiotics and other beneficial organisms. The label photo displays a list of the beneficial organisms and other ingredients  This is also low calorie, gluten free, vegan, and non-GMO. When I first discovered GT Dave’s kombucha teas years ago, he had the story of how he started brewing these out of his basement. In his story he mentioned that he made kombucha tea to help his mother fight breast cancer and get healthy again. Although these are know to be cancer fighting, the F.D.A. would never approve anything that wasn’t made by a pharmaceutical company for any health benefits, so his story is no longer on the label.  This is one seriously healthy beverage with a flavor of the tropics! For anyone new to kombucha tea, I recommend you start with Synergy Sacred Life. GT’s also makes a cola packed full of health benefits called Alive which you can read about here.

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The First Rating


  1. Walter avatar Walter on February 20, 2023 at 8:07 pm

    A Tasty drink for good health


    I have been eating more health foods in order to improve my health. It can be a long journey because not all health food tastes good. Being used to eating a certain way and then changing diets is a challenge that takes a lot of time and patience. People have been trying to get me to drink kombucha tea because they say it will make a huge difference in my health. I have tried a lot of kombucha tea that was hard to drink. That is not the case here. To my surprise, Synergy Sacred Life is easy to drink. With the name like Sacred Life it’s got to be good for your health. By the time I had drank only half of the bottle I was already feeling more enlightened and energized. With a nice light tropical flavor, I think this drink can help a lot of people. The road to good health can be a long one, but I think this product is a good start. Add GT’s Synergy Sacred Health to your diet and I think it will help you on your journey to good health. I’m impressed!!

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  2. TheTallMan avatar TheTallMan on February 20, 2023 at 7:56 pm

    Uplifting refreshment for the body and mind


    This is one of the best tasting kombucha teas I have tried! Kombucha tea is rising in popularity these days, so there’s all sorts of options out there. Some kombucha teas are almost flavorless while others are ‘an acquired taste’. GT’s Sacred Life does not seem like an ‘acquired taste’. I think this may just be the one for those new to kombucha. It does have a tropical taste as Mr. Boyd mentioned. For those new to Spirulina, it has a flavor that reminds me of Fruit Loops cereal. Although I haven’t actually had Fruit Loops since I was a kid, that’s what it reminds me of. Spirulina can have a strong taste, but in this it is Fruit Loops in the background. There is no dominant flavor here because they all blend together in harmony to make a refreshing experience like a nice river on a hot summer day. GT’s have been on the market a long time and he has the experience to perfect his products! I don’t know when this flavor came out, but I just noticed it recently. I was drawn to it by the vibrant blue color. It’s no surprise that it tastes as good as it does. I definitely recommend Sacred Life to kombucha fans and newcomers alike!

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