Tillamook English-Style Sweet Cheddar

Tillamook English-Style Sweet Cheddar

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Sweet cheese with an edge

The first thing I notice with this cheese is that it has a similar bite to it as Old Croc Australian cheese. It’s so much so that I wonder if they got the idea for this cheese from that company. It doesn’t really matter to me how they came up with it, this is excellent cheese in my book! Ok, so I mean it has a sharp edge to it, but it’s not one that encompasses the whole experience. They make it their own with the sweetness that it has to it. It’s really not at all what I was expecting when I read the label. It does have the sweetness they mentioned, but they didn’t mention the sharp edge. However they do mention that it was aged 12 months and it shows. Making cheese is a craft and Tillimook has it down. If you’re looking for a sharp cheddar that’s just happens to be a sweet cheese, this is it right here. I might also add that it has a creamy expression as it’s eaten. I’m sure this would make an excellent melted cheese too. For any cheese enthusiasts out there, make sure to try this out, you’ll be glad you did!

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Tillamook English-Style Sweet Cheddar

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  1. TiredLikeaDinosaur avatar TiredLikeaDinosaur on December 17, 2022 at 5:30 pm

    Great pairing cheese!


    This cheese is great for pairing with wines and other foods. This is a sweet cheese that almost has some bite to it at the same time. It’s a pleasure to pair with because it doesn’t fall apart. The last thing you want went pairing cheese or serving it with Hors D’oeuvres, the last thing you want is for it to fall apart. This cheese is not a let down in that way or in the flavor department. Excellent cheese!

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  2. TheTallMan avatar TheTallMan on October 9, 2022 at 7:46 pm

    Great for parties!


    This cheese is so good on crackers! I like to enjoy this cheese with a minimum amount of other ingredients with it. That way you can really appreciate the sweet and sharp taste. Since it isn’t very crumbly, you can easily cut it up into small squares to serve on a try with crackers, olives, other cheeses, and anything else you choose. When you have guests this cheese is sure to be a hit! People will ask you what kind of cheese it is and where to get it. The only problem is, you will be out of cheese once everyone discovers it. It’s worth it just to share such high quality cheese. If you’re looking for cheese that can go with just about anything, this may be the one for you.

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