Woodstock Ketchup

Woodstock Organic Ketchup

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3 Reviews

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Great Tasting Ketchup from actual Ripe Tomatoes!

Not all ketchup is created equally. How ripe the tomatoes actually are when they are used make a huge difference. I always wondered why they would even mention ‘ripe tomatoes‘ on the label. Woodstock mentions it on theirs, but not every brand does. When you compare this ketchup side by side with another one, there can be a huge difference. With this, you can actually tell they used ripe tomatoes from the first bite. Tomatoes can be bland and flavorless if they aren’t allowed to ripen fully. Organic compared to non-organic can make a difference too. Even then, organic doesn’t always taste good either. It’s all about how they grew it and if it was allowed to ripen naturally. My point being, Woodstock really knows what they are doing and created something great here. I would describe this as a basic form of ketchup. There’s all kinds of fancy ketchup recipes out there that change the flavor profile all together. Keeping it nice and simple is good for me. If you are a fan of ketchup in general, try this and you may not go back to your previous brand. It’s good!

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Woodstock Organic Ketchup

  • (5)
The First Rating


  1. TiredLikeaDinosaur avatar TiredLikeaDinosaur on November 4, 2022 at 8:25 pm

    The best ketchup for french fries and tots!


    Ketchup is an American favorite isn’t it? I think it is. I couldn’t imagine not having it around. After baking some tater tots or french fries, you’re going to want this to dip them in. It never gets old. The flavor of this ketchup is superb! Ripe tomatoes? Who would of thought? Apparently they don’t always use ripe tomatoes in ketchup. It’s not hard to believe as difficult as it is to find properly ripened tomatoes in the produce department. Woodstock really has it down though. This is definitely some of the best ketchup in stores. It’s so good, I don’t even care if it’s on sale. If I’m running low, I make sure I have more. If you want to see the difference ripe tomatoes make, try this ketchup and you won’t be disappointed.

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  2. TheTallMan avatar TheTallMan on July 25, 2022 at 7:27 pm

    My favorite ketchup!


    Ketchup has always been a part of my life. Eventually I found this ketchup. It really has some of the best flavor one could expect from ketchup. The tomatoes are much more present in this than many others out there. The fact that they use ripe tomatoes really makes a difference. Some brands try to use sweetener to cover up flavorless tomatoes, but it isn’t really that good without the right tomatoes. They use organic ripe tomatoes for this too. I’m guessing they’re outdoor grown as well. You can tell by the superior flavor this offers. Woodstock has really shown what they can do here by taking something simple and making it magnificent!

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