Schär Artisan Baker White Bread

Schär Artisan Baker White Bread

5 Average
3 Reviews

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A Soft Gluten Free Bread

With more and more people going gluten free these days, the need arises for a quality gluten free bread. There’s an increasing amount of options emerging out there, but they are not all good. Most of the time there is just no comparison to a good wheat bread. Heavy, dense, cardboard, and bland are some of the words generally associated with gluten free baked goods. That’s because not just any grains or flours can replace the wonderful aspects that wheat has to offer. Light, fluffy, fresh, and flavorful could be associated with many fine wheat products out there. It doesn’t have to be that way though. It is possible to create baked goods with that same fine quality that can be achieved with wheat. It’s all about the ingredients, the amounts, and how they are all brought together to interact as one. Schär Artisan Baker White Bread may not be ‘the best bread you have ever ate’, but it may be some of the best gluten free bread you might try. I have tried quite a few myself and most of them are just better than no bread when they are the only option. Some of them are rock hard, overly dense, and just plain blah. This bread is actually great! Schär Artisan Baker White Bread lives up to its Artisan name. The artisan characteristic is actually brought to life with their creation. There’s such a fine quality to it compared to alternative gluten free breads. It is actually soft and has a bit of fluffiness to it. The outer crust still has that crust like texture, but it isn’t rock hard either. There’s a nice flavor you would expect from a quality white bread. It actually has a faint sweetness to it and works to create many types of sandwiches. This bread is versatile being good heated or cold. Some gluten free breads require being toasted to loosen them up and bring them to life. That is not the case with this bread. Not only is this bread good to go straight out of the package, it is also non-GMO. That may be very important for some people. So if you’re on a gluten free diet and want a bread you can enjoy, give this a try! I have also tried Schär Multigrain Gluten Free bread and it’s really good for a multigrain bread. You can read about it here. If you’re looking for crackers, you can read about some this same company makes by clicking here.

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Schär Artisan Baker White Bread

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The First Rating


  1. Walter avatar Walter on December 18, 2022 at 3:18 pm

    Makes a great grilled cheese!


    This bread reminds me of a Texas toast style of bread. When I was first introduced to that type of bread it was to make a grilled cheese sandwich. This bread actually has the perfect texture and thickness to make a great grilled cheese sandwich. The light flavor is just perfect for such an occasion. It holds up well and still taste good when grilled or toasted. This is one product made in Italy that’s just perfect!

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  2. TheTallMan avatar TheTallMan on September 18, 2022 at 5:07 pm

    Not just for gluten free diets!


    You don’t have to be gluten free to enjoy this. This is actually a really good white bread in general. It makes a great grilled cheese! It’s really perfect for just about any kind of sandwich. When someone that isn’t gluten free tries this, they usually always like it. It’s such a nice soft white bread while having just enough firmness to hold a sandwich together. A lot of people are likely to find this much better than a lot of mainstream white wheat breads. Just give it a try, it’s Italian!

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